Wednesday, March 05, 2025

The Backlash Against Progressive Policies: Trump’s Appeal and Europe's Political Crossroads

Trump's speech in the USA is an illustration of the destructive effect of extreme leftism on society. Nine out of ten of his policies would not exist without the madness of the past decade.

The fact that a president can boast about:

  • securing the national border,
  • allowing women to compete in their own sports,
  • preventing gender changes for children,
  • hiring based on competence rather than race or gender,
  • not releasing criminals from prison,
  • allowing people to speak freely,
  • ensuring that national energy policy is not changed radically by top-down decrees but rather gradually from the bottom up,
  • preventing the state budget from becoming a feeding trough for NGOs,
  • bureaucracy not being a constitutional category,
  • not using marginalization as an excuse for tolerating crime,
  • ensuring that public job is not a retirement plan... a consequence of progressive changes dictated by a bored elite that the people did not want.

Time will show that, after a long period, we Europeans made the right decision in Ukraine. But this is only our first correct decision. If politics does not address the above-mentioned problems, people will elect one that will. And perhaps they will maintain solidarity with the EU and Ukraine, as in Slovenia and Italy; or perhaps not, as in Hungary, and Slovakia.

Cultural Marxism is as destructive as the Treaty of Versailles; it does not change societies but deepens divisions and radicalizes them.